Equine Deworming Schedule

A fecal analysis helps determine your horse’s worm count and the best dewormer to keep them healthy.

Deworming plays a crucial role in eliminating internal parasites that can lead to various health issues and illnesses. Our veterinary team will design a deworming plan tailored to your horse's specific requirements, and we'll guide you in the correct and effective administration of the medication. If you have any inquiries regarding our deworming services, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team at 902-863-3157.

How often should my horse be dewormed?

Ideally, your horse should undergo deworming at least twice annually, typically in the spring and fall. Nevertheless, the frequency of deworming for your horse will be determined by their worm count, indicating the level of worm infestation at any particular moment. It's important to note that even if two horses share the same herd, their worm counts can differ significantly. Prior to dewormer administration, your horse should have a fecal egg count (FEC) conducted to assess the presence of internal parasites in their feces.

Which parasites affect horses?

Horses can be affected by various parasites, such as roundworms, bloodworms, cyathostomins, pinworms, tapeworms, and bot flies. To effectively eliminate these internal parasites, a dewormer is usually recommended and can be administered orally, often in the form of a paste or gel. Additionally, there are preventive measures to reduce the risk of parasite transmission within a herd. Regularly cleaning and removing manure from their paddock, at least twice a week, can significantly reduce the chances of other horses becoming infected with specific parasites.

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